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Англо-русский биологический словарь - beat


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Перевод с английского языка beat на русский


1) толчок, удар

2) биение (сердца); пульсация

3) систола

apical beatectopic beatpremature beatretrograde beatwing beat

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  up the quarters of посещать BEAT up  а) взбивать (яйца и т.п.)  б) вербовать (рекрутов)  в) избивать; обходиться со зверской жестокостью The boys robbed the old man and beat him up.  г) naut. продвигаться против ветра, против течения When a favourable wind came, we were able to beat up. BEAT to quarters naut. бить сбор BEAT to обогнать Ill beat you to the winning post! BEAT the wind заниматься бесполезным делом, попусту стараться BEAT the target перевыполнить план BEAT the pants off coll. разбить наголову BEAT the air заниматься бесполезным делом, попусту стараться BEAT smb. to it выиграть соревнование We got our product onto the market as fast as we could, but the other firm still beat us to it! BEAT smb. to his knees сильно побить кого-л. (чаще в переносном смысле) Since her husband died, the effort of working to support the children and running the home at the same time had beaten her to her knees, and she became ill. BEAT smb. at his own game бить кого-л. его же оружием, делать что-л. лучше, чем кто-л. By winning a prize for writing Tom beat his teacher at his own game. BEAT out  а) выбивать, ковать (металл) to beat out the meaning разъяснять значение to be beaten out amer. быть в изнеможении  б) naut. плыть против ветра The boat beat out when the storm had passed. BEAT ones way пробираться BEAT on громко стучать во что-л. The visitors beat at the door until he answered. BEAT off  а) отбивать, отражать  б) naut. плыть с трудом The boat had to beat back against a strong wind. BEAT it coll. удирать beat it! coll. прочь!,...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. удар; бой the beat of a drum —- барабанный бой the beat of waves on a beach —- прибой 2. спец. пульсация (напр. сердца); колебание (маятника и т. п.) the beat of the heart —- биение сердца his heart missed a beat —- его сердце замерло (от волнения) 3. муз. ритм, такт in beat —- в ритме off the beat —- не в ритме off beat —- синкопический (о музыке); неровный (о поведении человека) 4. муз. отсчитывание такта he kept beat with his hand —- он отбивал такт рукой 5. муз. доля (единица ритма, метра) strong beat —- сильная доля four beats to a measure —- четырехдольный размер, четырехдольный такт 6. муз. взмах дирижерской палочки 7. дозор, обход; маршрут дозора; район патрулирования a policeman on his beat —- полицейский на своем участке a street-walker on the beat —- проститутка, вышедшая на промысел to be on the beat —- совершать обход; обходить дозором 8. охот. место облавы 9. ам. сл. сенсационное сообщение (опубликованное в одной газете раньше, чем во всех остальных) 10. разг. нечто выдающееся, невиданное you never saw the beat of it —- вы никогда ничего подобного не видали I've never seen his beat —- он бесподобен 11. ам. разг. мошенник, обманщик hotel beats —- постояльцы, уезжающие из гостиницы, не уплатив по счету 12. ам. разг. тунеядец 13. битник 14. разг. надувательство, мошенничество to get a...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  см. run ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) толчок, удар 2) биение (сердца); пульсация 3) систола – apical beat – ectopic beat – premature beat – retrograde beat – wing beat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. убытки - beat down prices - beat down BEAT сущ. 1) общ. удар; (барабанный) бой; биение (сердца) 2) общ. такт, ритм, размер; взмах (дирижерской палочки) 3) рекл. пауза на счет "раз" (термин используется режиссером при записи и редактировании рекламных сообщений для радио или телевидения) 4) общ. что-л. превосходящее I've never seen his beat. - Он бесподобен. 5) общ. дозор, обход, пост, маршрут патрулирования They have never seen a police officer on the beat in their area. - Они никогда не видели полицейского на обходе в этом районе. 6) амер., разг. газетная сенсация (нечто, опубликованное раньше других) 7) эк. убытки 8) общ. главная доля (основной риф в музыке) 9) связь колебание (пульсации амплитуды, создаваемые радиоволнами различной частоты) 10) амер., сленг бездельник, лентяй 11) амер., сленг (район или территория, где человек работает) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) удар; толчок ударять; бить; отбивать 2) биение; колебание; пульсация 3) горн. выход (пласта или жилы) 4) отбивать руду или породу 5) измельчение бумажной массы в ролле измельчать (размалывать) бумажную массу в ролле 6) поверхность клапана, контактирующая с седлом 7) ритм 8) такт - cross beats - intermode beats - spatial beats - zero beats ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v., n., & adj. --v. (past beat; past part. beaten) 1 tr. a strike (a person or animal) persistently or repeatedly, esp. to harm or punish. b strike (a thing) repeatedly, e.g. to remove dust from (a carpet etc.), to sound (a drum etc.). 2 intr. (foll. by against, at, on, etc.) a pound or knock repeatedly (waves beat against the shore; beat at the door). b = beat down 3. 3 tr. a overcome; surpass; win a victory over. b complete an activity before (another person etc.). c be too hard for; perplex. 4 tr. (often foll. by up) stir (eggs etc.) vigorously into a frothy mixture. 5 tr. (often foll. by out) fashion or shape (metal etc.) by blows. 6 intr. (of the heart, a drum, etc.) pulsate rhythmically. 7 tr. (often foll. by out) a indicate (a tempo or rhythm) by gestures, tapping, etc. b sound (a signal etc.) by striking a drum or other means (beat a tattoo). 8 a intr. (of a bird's wings) move up and down. b tr. cause (wings) to move in this way. 9 tr. make (a path etc.) by trampling. 10 tr. strike (bushes etc.) to rouse game. 11 intr. Naut. sail in the direction from which the wind is blowing. --n. 1 a a main accent or rhythmic unit in music or verse (three beats to the bar; missed a beat and came in early). b the indication of rhythm by a conductor's movements (watch the beat). c (in popular music) a strong rhythm. d (attrib.) characterized by a strong rhythm (beat music). 2 a a stroke or blow (e.g. on a drum). b a measured sequence of strokes (the beat of the waves on the rocks). c a throbbing movement or sound (the beat of his heart). 3 a a route or area allocated to a police officer etc. b a person's habitual round. 4 Physics a pulsation due to the combination of two sounds or electric currents of similar but not equivalent frequencies. 5 colloq. = BEATNIK. --adj. 1 (predic.) sl. exhausted, tired out. 2 (attrib.) of the beat generation or its philosophy. Phrases and idioms beat about (often foll. by for) search (for an excuse etc.). beat about the bush discuss a matter without coming to the point. beat the bounds Brit. mark...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~; ~en or ~; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English beten, from Old English beatan; akin to Old High German bozan to ~  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to strike repeatedly:  a. to hit repeatedly so as to inflict pain — often used with up  b. to walk on ; tread ~ the pavement looking for work  c. to strike directly against forcefully and repeatedly ; dash against  d. to flap or thrash at vigorously  e. to strike at in order to rouse game; also to range over in or as if in quest of game  f. to mix by stirring ; whip — often used with up  g. to strike repeatedly in order to produce music or a signal ~ a drum  2.  a. to drive or force by blows ~ back his attackers  b. to pound into a powder, paste, or pulp  c. to make by repeated treading or driving over ~ a path  d.  (1) to dislodge by repeated hitting ~ dust from the carpet  (2) to lodge securely by repeated striking ~ a stake into the ground  e. to shape by ~ing ~ swords into plowshares; especially to flatten thin by blows  f. to sound or express especially by drum~  3. to cause to strike or flap repeatedly a bird ~ing its wings  4.  a. overcome, defeat; also surpass — often used with out  b. to prevail despite ~ the odds  c. bewilder, baffle it ~s me how she does it  d.  (1) fatigue, exhaust  (2) to leave dispirited, irresolute, or hopeless  e. cheat, swindle  5.  a.  (1) to act ahead of usually so as to forestall  (2) to report a news item in advance of  b. to come or arrive before  c. circumvent ~ the system  d. to outmaneuver (a defender) and get free  e. to score against (a goalkeeper)  6. to indicate by ~ing ~ the tempo  intransitive verb  1.  a. to become forcefully impelled ; dash  b. to glare or strike with oppressive intensity  c. to sustain distracting activity  d. to ~ a drum  2.  a.  (1) pulsate, throb  (2) tick  b. to sound upon being struck  3.  a. to strike repeated blows ~ing on the door  b. to strike the air ; flap  c. to strike...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (beats, beating, beaten) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: The form 'beat' is used in the present tense and is the past tense. 1. If you beat someone or something, you hit them very hard. My wife tried to stop them and they beat her... They were beaten to death with baseball bats. VERB: V n, V n to n 2. To beat on, at, or against something means to hit it hard, usually several times or continuously for a period of time. There was dead silence but for a fly beating against the glass... Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow... The rain was beating on the windowpanes. = pound VERB: V against n, V at n, V on n, also V n • Beat is also a noun. ...the rhythmic beat of the surf. N-SING: usu the N of n • beating ...the silence broken only by the beating of the rain. N-SING: usu the N of n 3. When your heart or pulse beats, it continually makes regular rhythmic movements. I felt my heart beating faster. VERB: V • Beat is also a noun. He could hear the beat of his heart... Most people’s pulse rate is more than 70 beats per minute. N-COUNT: usu with supp • beating I could hear the beating of my heart. N-SING: usu the N of n 4. If you beat a drum or similar instrument, you hit it in order to make a sound. You can also say that a drum beats. When you beat the drum, you feel good. ...drums beating and pipes playing. VERB: V n, V • Beat is also a noun. ...the rhythmical beat of the drum. N-SING: usu the N of n 5. The beat of a piece of music is the main rhythm that it has. ...the thumping beat of rock music. N-COUNT: usu sing, the N 6. In music, a beat is a unit of measurement. The number of beats in a bar of a piece of music is indicated by two numbers at the beginning of the piece. It’s got four beats to a bar. N-COUNT: usu pl see also upbeat, downbeat 7. If you beat eggs, cream, or butter, you mix them thoroughly using a fork or beater. Beat the eggs and...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense beat past participle beaten 1 »DEFEAT« a) to get the most points, votes etc in a game, race, or competition  (Brazil were beaten in the final 2-1. | I could always beat my brother at chess. | beat sb hollow (=defeat them easily)) b) to successfully deal with or defeat a problem that you have been struggling with  (The Administration claims to have beaten inflation)  (.)  (- see win1) 2 »HIT« to hit someone or something many times with your hand or with a stick  (In those days children were often beaten at school. | I've been beating the rugs and I'm covered in dust. | beat sb to death/beat sb unconscious etc (=beat them until they die etc) | beat sb black and blue (=make marks on their body by beating them hard) | beat the living daylights out of informal (=beat someone very hard)) 3 beat a record/score etc to do better than a record etc that already exists  (The record set by Kierson in '84 has yet to be beaten.) 4 »HIT AGAINST« to knock or hit against something continuously  (beat on/against etc)  (Waves beat against the cliffs. | We could hear the rain beating on the roof.) 5 beat sb to it informal to get or do something before someone else, especially if you are both trying to do it first  (I really wanted that car but someone else had beaten me to it.) 6 (it) beats me spoken used to say that you cannot understand or explain something  ("How can these kids afford clothes like that?" "Beats me.") 7 »MIX« to mix things together with a fork or machine when preparing food  (Beat the eggs until they are light and fluffy.) 8 »DRUMS« if you beat the drums or if drums beat, they make a regular continuous sound 9 »HEART« when your heart beats, it moves in a regular rhythm (1) as it pumps your blood  (He's still alive - I can feel his heart beating.) 10 »WINGS« if a bird beats its wings or its wings beat, they move up and down quickly and regularly 11 you can't beat spoken used to say that someone or something is better than anything else  (You can't beat motor racing for excitement and...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Boost Education Of Arthritis Treatment transport. abbr. Binary Electric Automotive Technology libr. abbr. Bibliographic Enrichment Advisory Team ac. degr. abbr. Biomedical And Environmental Agriculture Technology educ. abbr. Better Education And Training educ. abbr. Basics Enrichment And Technology sport abbr. Baseball Editorials Analysis and Talk music abbr. Bijot Ensemble Of Acoustic Troubadours gen. bus. abbr. Best Effort Attitude And Teamwork pos. abbr. Bristol Employment Action Team firm name abbr. Bijot Ensemble Of Acoustic Troubadours ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. beatan (class VII strong verb; past tense beot, pp. beaten), from P.Gmc. *bautan. Meaning "to overcome in a contest" is from 1611. Meaning "strike cover to rouse or drive game" (M.E.) is source of beat around the bush. Command beat it "go away" first recorded 1906 (though "action of feet upon the ground" was a sense of O.E. betan). Beat generation is from 1952, associated with earlier meaning "rhythm (especially in jazz)" and "worn out, exhausted," but originator Jack Kerouac (1922-69) connected it with beatitude. Beatnik, usually faintly pejorative, coined 1958 by San Francisco newspaper columnist Herb Caen during the heyday of -nik suffixes in the wake of Sputnik. Dead-beat (originally "tired-out") preserves the old pp. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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